Create Address Validation

This service provides address validation service to allow users to validate addresses. This route will help to make sure the address provided with the order route is a valid address that shipping carriers recognize and should help to reduce the number of failed orders because of bad shipping addresses.

NOTE: In cases where the API returns ambiguous response with no suggested address, or returns the same exact address as the submitted one (sometimes repeated multiple times), users can use “bypass_address_validation” flag in Create Shipping Quote and Create Order payloads by setting the value to TRUE.
“bypass_address_validation”: “TRUE”
This flag must be used only in these scenarios and not for all cases. Otherwise, misuse of this flag could result in delays in shipment or undeliverable shipments that return to 4over facility.

Resource URI

POST /addressvalidation

Input Parameters

@param address {string}
@param city {string}
@param state {string}
@param country {string}
@param zipcode {string}

Sample Request URI


Sample Request – Valid Address


  		"address": "5900 San Fernando Rd",
  		"city": "Glendale ",
  		"state": "CA",
  		"country": "US",
  		"zipcode": "91202"

Sample Response – Valid Address

    "isValidAddress": true,
    "ambiguosAddress": false,
    "isResidential": false,
    "exactMatch": true,
    "AddressKeyFormat": {
        "AddressLine": "5900 SAN FERNANDO RD",
        "PoliticalDivision2": "GLENDALE",
        "PoliticalDivision1": "CA",
        "PostcodePrimaryLow": "91202",
        "PostcodeExtendedLow": "2765",
        "Region": "GLENDALE CA 91202-2765",
        "CountryCode": "US"

Sample Request – Ambiguous Address


  		"address": "500 San Fernando Rd",
  		"city": "Glendale ",
  		"state": "CA",
  		"country": "US",
  		"zipcode": "10487"

Sample Response for Valid Address


    "ambiguous_address": "true",
    "Candidates": [
            "address": [
                "6100 SAN FERNANDO RD",
                "STE 100"
            "city": "GLENDALE",
            "state": "CA",
            "zipcode": "91201",
            "country": "US"
            "address": "6100 SAN FERNANDO RD",
            "city": "GLENDALE",
            "state": "CA",
            "zipcode": "91201",
            "country": "US"
            "address": [
                "6100 SAN FERNANDO RD",
                "STE 203"
            "city": "GLENDALE",
            "state": "CA",
            "zipcode": "91201",
            "country": "US"
            "address": [
                "6100 SAN FERNANDO RD",
                "STE 207"
            "city": "GLENDALE",
            "state": "CA",
            "zipcode": "91201",
            "country": "US"
            "address": "6100-6198 SAN FERNANDO RD",
            "city": "GLENDALE",
            "state": "CA",
            "zipcode": "91201",
            "country": "US"
            "address": "6101-6199 SAN FERNANDO RD",
            "city": "GLENDALE",
            "state": "CA",
            "zipcode": "91201",
            "country": "US"
            "address": "6155 SAN FERNANDO RD",
            "city": "GLENDALE",
            "state": "CA",
            "zipcode": "91201",
            "country": "US"
            "address": [
                "6155 SAN FERNANDO RD",
                "STE 1"
            "city": "GLENDALE",
            "state": "CA",
            "zipcode": "91201",
            "country": "US"