File Service
This is a service used to make a file resource available to the 4over API. File resources could be located at the users server or it could be posted to 4over’s servers. In either case, a path to the file resource is required. In addition to the path, it is necessary to identify a file reason when an order is placed. The file reason will identify what purpose the file is used for, meaning if it is the front file, back file, a mask file or any other reason.
Possible file reasons are specified bellow. This will give the users the flexibiity to use the same resource for different jobs.
Abbreviations | Possible file reasons/types
fr | Front
bk | Back
fm | Front mask
bm | Back mask
ffm | Front foil mask
bfm | Back foil mask
cm | Cut mask
in | In
out | Out
l1 | Lenticular file 1
l2 | Lenticular file 2
l3 | Lenticular file 3 |
cvr | Cover
multipagepdf | Multi-Page PDF document